Can a single company be responsible for the birth of up 70.000 children in the world? Yes. The global sperm donation industry is booming, has a leader country and a sperm bank claimed as the largest sperm bank in the world. Cryos, a company that was established in Aarhus in 1987, has become one of Denmark’s top exports delivering to more than 80 countries: about 96 percent of its sperm is exported.

As the market developed and demand increased, initially from heterosexual couples with fertility issues and then from single mothers and homosexual couples, the Danish laboratories became a reference point due to many factors. The high quality human sperm and eggs from selected and screened donors, the supposed virility of Danish men linked with the demand of a ‘Viking baby’, apparently a big detail that makes the difference. In many countries it is illegal to use non-anonymous donors (this influences the low number of local donors like in the UK, one-third of the sperm used there is imported) but the large selection of Cryos bank provides both types, anonymous or named. A great amount of information can be offered if the donor is indeed named. Potential parents can listen to the voices of donors, read about their childhood, see their baby photos, know race, ethnicity, eye and hair color, height, weight, blood type and in most cases education and occupation. The price depends on the profile chosen and it is also possible to choose for an exclusive donor (nobody else will purchase/reserved sperm from this man's profile). This comes at a price though, a whopping additional 12,000 euros! Delivery is available for EU countries (1-2 weekdays) or the rest of the world (1-5 weekdays) with dry ice or liquid nitrogen containers. From the bank to your home: this is the way Cryos delivers new life to this planet.


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