Prostitution has traditionally been explained by the media with photography focusing only on one half of the business. If aliens came to earth and tried to understand what prostitution is about they would believe it is a business based on naked women staying in dirty rooms. With Gentlemen´s club I tried to give visibility to that other 50%.

During June 2015, I put an ad in a newspaper in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) asking for prostitutes´ clients to pose for me in exchange for money. My intention was first to see who these people were and also to invert the roles of the business,  as they would be selling also partof themselves. The response was massive and this is a selection of the men who accepted the deal.

All of them were asked about their experience, personal history and motivations and this information is in the captions of the images. I have tried to publish this series in different media but there seems to be no interest (so far) in getting to understand the whole dimension of the business.

click to view the complete set of images in the archive