ISBN: 9788862084505 94 Photos 152 Pages Cloth Hard Bound Publisher: Damiani Editore Launch: Paris Photo, November 2015 Market release: March 2016

ISBN: 9788862084505
94 Photos
152 Pages
Cloth Hard Bound
Publisher: Damiani Editore
Launch: Paris Photo, November 2015
Market release: March 2016

L'Enfant-Femme" (the Child-Woman) are portraits of young teens and pre-teens and how they interact with the camera. The only instruction I give the girls is not to smile and I allow them to fall into their own poses. My aim is to portray the girl, when allowed to pose herself as she wishes in front of the camera. The gaze is important and I try to capture the angst, the self-confidence or lack thereof, the body language, the sense of selfhood and the developing sense of sexuality and womanhood girls this age begin to experience.

For some, even though they are not smiling, one can see their sense of selfhood and their almost sensual pleasure in being photographed and in engaging the camera, while others are almost defiant in the way only teens can be, and others still are more separate from the camera, show more angst, or are more self-conscious. These are all emotions girls this age alternatively experience as they become aware of whom they are, of their changing bodies, their beauty, and their femininity, but also of the world around them and the standards of beauty and attitudes they think they need to emulate. However, these are also still young girls who fluctuate between being the children they still are and the young women they are beginning to turn into. Are they (and we) meant to see themselves as little girls, as teenagers, or as young women?

I photographed girls in the US where I live and in Lebanon where I am originally from. These are not meant to be a comparison, on the contrary, as the lines blur quickly. Regardless of place, background and religion, girls that age everywhere seem united by similar feelings, aspirations and attitudes.
-Rania Matar

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